To receive real time discounts and promotions from Gap, via text message, you must sign-up for Gap Mobile 4U online. Gap Mobile 4U, is a program created by the partnership of Gap and Visa. Shop at Gap and use you Visa card to receive extra discounts. After signing up for Gap Mobile 4U, customers will receive text-based offers for Gap, but they must meet the program criteria to redeem the offers. For example, a customer might have to shop within a specific Zip Code, or within a certain period of time, to receive the discounts.It may seem like a hassle, especially for only two discounts per week, but for any Gap shoppers, saving money in these economic times is a big deal to me! That extra $5 could be my lunch money.(Literally). I also recently received my first Visa credit, interest free for an entire year (big smile) and this is so much motivation for me to sign-up for Gap Mobile 4U! :)